Logo design
The graphic image is one of the core values of a company and is present in all communications generated.
Original, representative, easy to remember are the requirements to be met by a good logo. In addition to suit different applications, in black and white, on dark background, at small sizes or in promotional applications.
We use typography, forms, colors, to communicate a particular message in each case. That’s why the logos we design are sometimes soft and round, and in other straight and minimalist.
The logo is also contained in each document and product we produce: cards, letters, folders, emails, sample books, campaigns, and it has to fit all them to reinforce altogether the brand perception. Other graphic applications include packaging, labeling of facilities and vehicles, signaling, merchandising.
So we need to talk to you, know your business, your product, your market, and define the values that you want to convey to your potential audience.
Logo and applications design services
- Naming. Brand name and product.
- Design of company logo.
- Design of product brands.
- Slogan or main message.
- Office stationery: Card, folder, envelope, letter.
- Design templates for email.
- Packaging, packing.
- Signage and vehicles.